Zultanite Gems LLC, USA is taking a short break! We will be back on September 2nd! You can still look: http://zultanite.org/shop 1.888.808.7074 info@zultanitedesign.com
Own one of the rarest gems in the world! Phenomenal color-change Zultanite® 22.10 Carats - 21.5 x 14 x 9 Millimeter Zultanite is ethically mined with environ mentally sound methods and fair wages for miners. Zultanite Gems LLC - Online Store 1.888.808.7074 info@zultanitedesign.com
Zultanite® - Rare and Exotic Color Change Gemstone Zultanite gemstones are showing different colors by viewing it from different directions and under different light. Zultanite Gems LLC - Online Shop 1.888.808.7074 Info@Zultanite. Org
Zultanite Design is now on Etsy Yellow Gold Ring with 5x4mm Zultanite The finest Zultanite specimens transform from kiwi-like green to purplish-pink. Amazingly, the same stone may shift from a pastel pinkish-champagne to a ginger-ale hue in different light sources. Even the time of day can reveal subtle nuances in color. http://zultanite.org/shop 1.888.808.7074 monika@zultanitedesign.com
Color chameleon Zultanite ® Zultanite gemstones are showing different colors by viewing it from different directions and under different light. Rare and Exotic Gemstone Pear Shape Cut Zultanite Gems LLC, USA 1.888.808.7074 Info@Zultanite. Org
Own one of the rarest minerals in the world! Phenomenal Zultanite® Mineral Specimens Zultanite Gems LLC - Mineral Specimen Crystals 1.888.808.7074 monika@zultanitedesign.com